Backyards with Bolt: Episode 8
In this episode of Backyards with Bolt, our Executive Director Vedanshi continues her conversation with Vanessa Waechtler from CHIMO Community Services.
The first question posed was as follows: what new challenges are faced by women facing violence or abuse in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic?
Waechtler begins by explaining that women facing violence and abuse are trapped in a shadow pandemic. This means that women are trapped with their abusers as they are told to spend more time at home, allowing more opportunities for violence to occur. The tension within the household is further heightened by the economic toll of both victims and abusers being suddenly out of work. When money is tight, Waechtler explains, fighting and aggression increases as conflict goes up. A further challenge for victims of domestic abuse that Waechtler is seeing among her clients is that they are struggling to find a way to access the counselling service that she provides. Before Covid-19 clients were able to make up an excuse to come to counselling seasons. Now, however, they struggle to find privacy as they need an hour at home in which to call their counselor. Unfortunately, this meant many clients had to drop out. Moreover, clients who are separated from their abusive partner but must still navigate co-parenting are struggling to manage the new conditions set out by the pandemic. This includes disagreements about bubbles, as abusive partners can claim that the other parent doesn’t care about their child’s safety. Waechtler lastly claims that women know this will be a long haul. The tensions, insecurities and anxieties in the world currently are simply leading to an escalation in abuse.
Vedanshi adds to this by stating that what is needed is increased empathy and support as social isolation is especially difficult. She goes on to discuss the Safe Hubs project which was started for women stuck at home during covid. BOLT Safety has partnered with local businesses to create safe spaces to which women can go when needing a break from home. Vedanshi calls this “teamwork at the community level”.
The last question posed is: how CHIMO can help victims and survivors?
Waechtler states that CHIMO Community Services offers many different services, including both practical and emotional support. Practical support includes help with housing, legal advocacy, aid in applying to government programs and filing taxes. Emotional support includes counselling services and a crisis line, providing women with someone to listen. These services help women rebuild their lives and create safe futures for themselves and their children. Waechtler states: “please make use of us - that’s what we’re here for”!
CHIMO Community Services can be contacted through their website.
Waechtler leaves a final note, stating that there are also good things that have come out of the pandemic, such as increased funding and the work organizations like BOLT Safety are doing. Overall, Waechtler is simply glad that this issue is not being forgotten in the madness of the pandemic.
BOLT Safety encourages everyone who may need help to reach out to locally available support services like CHIMO Community Services, or even a friend.
You can access the resources mentioned in this post under the 'Safe Hubs' category on The Hub (see the image below).

If you, or someone you know, is in immediate danger, please call your local emergency services (9-1-1), or learn about other options (like shelters and crisis lines) in the Safe Hubs category of this platform.
Do you have a perspective to share on safety? We'd love to hear from you! Contact us through our website, or dm us on any of our social media platforms!
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