Welcome to our news and media archive. We are grateful for each opportunity to share our work within the community.
Media inquiries can be sent to info@boltsafety.org
Recent press releases:

Sprout Ideas Fellowship: Alumni Insights
Making rural BC safer with the Sprout Ideas Fellowship ft. Vedanshi Vala
Our Executive Director, Vedanshi Vala, was interviewed by the TakingItGlobal team as part of a series of Sprout Ideas Fellowship Alumni Insights videos. Full original videos can be found on Vimeo here: https://vimeo.com/takingitglobal
RedFM Vancouver
The Evening Show: November 25, 2024 [07:30 pm]
Host: Naina Grewal
Featuring: Jasmine Bhambhra, Vedanshi Vala
Held on the UN International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and Girls. Jasmine shared the story of her sister's murder at the hands of an abusive partner and how the loss affected her family, and Vedanshi shared insights into different forms of abuse and existing support systems in the community.
Scaling Impact at a Grassroots Level: An Interview with Vedanshi Vala
"In this exclusive interview, we sit down with Vedanshi Vala, Co-Founder, Chairperson, and Executive Director of BOLT Safety Society—a youth-founded, federally-registered not-for-profit that’s dedicated to building safer, more equitable communities. BOLT Safety tackles violence, harassment, and abuse through a range of community-driven programs, all unified on a digital platform. Vedanshi shares her insights on navigating the complexities of grassroots leadership, growing impact, and empowering communities from the ground up."
Big Love for Small Biz
Our Executive Director was asked to shout-out a small business in BC, alongside other entrepreneurial leaders in the province. We're all about supporting local and grassroots organizations!
Breaking the Silence: Fighting Sexual Violence in India with Vedanshi Vala
"In this powerful episode of Flipping Founders, host Khushi Sethi is joined by Vedanshi Vala, co-founder of BOLT Safety Society, a Canadian non-profit organization that has been at the forefront of supporting survivors of sexual violence, domestic abuse, and harassment. Since its inception, BOLT Safety has been recognized nationally by prestigious programs like the L'Oréal Paris Women of Worth and has taken its advocacy for gender equity to global stages, including the United Nations Headquarters in New York. By collaborating with organizations such as The Princess Diya Kumari Foundation in Jaipur, Vedanshi and her team have made a substantial impact in the fight against sexual violence worldwide."
2024 Women of the Year Awards: Rising stars – Winner Vedanshi Vala
"In 2020, as a UBC student studying integrated sciences, Vala launched an online platform called Bolt Safety Society with four friends and her sister, Shreyanshi Vala. The idea was to centralize access to existing resources for survivors: the platform is a database of shelters, crisis lines, legal services and medical and mental health support, and it also includes educational material to help reduce stigmas around victim blaming."
Richmond non-profit screens documentary trailer at UN women's conference
"Vala and her team were invited to the 68th Commission on the Status of Women, which is one of the largest and most high-profile meetings on women's rights globally, held every year at the United Nations headquarters in New York. At the meeting, Vala presented the documentary trailer to showcase the non-profit's work."
Episode #25: Vedanshi Vala
Our Executive Director was interviewed by Host Gemma Asfour about building social impact with BOLT Safety Society.
How You Can Help Sexual Violence Victims- Vedanshi Vala- Executive Director at Bolt Safety Society
A conversation with Quoting Life Podcast co-hosts, Adman and Brandon, about ways to support survivors of violence, and the work that BOLT Safety does.
Vedanshi Vala: Rising Star
"Introducing a South Asian Hustler, Vedanshi! Transforming Lives: Vedanshi, UBC student turned BOLT Safety Society Co-Founder, leads global initiatives impacting 24,300+ survivors through tech innovation and community partnerships. This entrepreneurial Canadian desi has a pure vision that is extremely relevant and important in our society."
Unlock Your Soul Podcast with Anto Neosoul
22-Year-Old Changemaker Vedanshi Vala on Building Bolt Safety Society and Meeting Hon. WaMuchomba
"Age is nothing but a number, and Vedanshi Vala is a testament that no matter how young you are, you are never too old to change society. Vedanshi Vala is a founder of Bolt Global Safety and is championing safe spaces all over the world for survivors of gender-based violence and tagging along with our very own Hon. Wamuchomba. 'The irony of our situation is that our organization shouldn't have to exist...' Vedanshi Vala, 2023"
Alpha Gamma Delta: The Quarterly
Co-Founder of Canadian Non-profit Creates Platform for Women's Safety
Cover story with Vedanshi Vala, Fall 2023 issue.
I lead a humanitarian mission to Kenya. Here’s what it taught me
"It had been over a week that we were in Kenya as part of BOLT Safety Society’s humanitarian mission to both prevent and respond to sexual violence (boltsafety.org). A large focus of our work had involved speaking with local stakeholders, such as NGOs, professionals in the space, members of the community, and survivors. I could not have fathomed that I would come face-to-face with the aftermath of this crime in such proximity."
Richmond resident spearheads global sexual violence awareness documentary
"Vedanshi Vala, founder of BOLT Safety Society, a Richmond-based non-profit working to end violence against women, recently went on a humanitarian mission to Kenya. While there, she was inspired to create a documentary telling the stories of people and non-profits working in different countries to build safe spaces and resources to help victims of sexual violence."
What happens when we surround ourselves with inspiration?
"On Thursday June 22nd, the walls of a room in the Vancouver Art Gallery were filled with quotes from contributing authors from Flourish: A Workbook for Social Innovators. This exhibition was set-up as part of a launch and celebration event led by TakingITGlobal in partnership with BOLT Safety Society, an organization founded by Sprout Ideas Fellow Vedanshi Vala."
Two Richmond delegations meet BC’s party leaders
Cover story in Volume 7, Issue 9.
Award winning Vedanshi Vala gives back
Cover story in Volume 7, Issue 6.
Young Richmond advocate fights for gender equality at UN
“It was like a dream come true”: Vedanshi Vala
How I Started An Award-Winning Non Profit Organization at 15 - Vedanshi Vala | EO7
Starting her journey when she was only 15, Vedanshi shares how she started her non-profit organization - Bolt Safety to create safer and more equitable communities worldwide!
NDP MP Bonita Zarrillo’s Coquitlam office now part of a network of safe spaces
"The Safe Hubs team says it is hopeful that seeing Zarrillo’s office step up as an ally will inspire other businesses to follow suit."
You can 'bolt' over to this Tri-Cities MP's office if your safety is at risk
Bonita Zarrillo's Coquitlam office is one of 19 spaces where partner violence victims can seek refuge and access resources.
Meet the L'Oreal Paris Woman of Worth: Vedanshi Vala
Rajputana Collective is the first sociocultural and lifestyle publication to exclusively feature the Rajput community in its contemporary facets. Our Executive Director, Vedanshi, shared how her upbringing and cultural background influenced her work with BOLT Safety.
Ending the Stigma with Shreyanshi Vala
Our Operations Director, Shreyanshi, was named a 'Wonder Woman'. "Through her role as Co-Founder and the Operations Director of BOLT Safety Society, Shreyanshi Vala is dedicated to educating her community about the increased stigma surrounding personal safety and wants to change the status quo."
Cloverdale Reporter | Peace Arch News | Surrey Now-Leader | North Delta Reporter
With Project LyghtNyng, youth-led BOLT Safety Society aims to end violence, harassment, abuse
We were featured by numerous local media outlets announcing the official launch of Project LyghtNyng.
Megaphone Magazine
Stopping violence, one safe space at a time
Megaphone Magazine is sold by vendors who are experiencing homelessness or from low-income backgrounds. Our Executive Director, Vedanshi, was interviewed to share BOLT Safety's work in the community in the November 2022 issue.
South Asian Entertainment Magazine
Education that empowers safety
Coverage of the Project LyghtNyng (workshop) program launch in the November 2022 issue.
BOLT Safety Society launches Project LyghtNyng
Coverage of the Project LyghtNyng (workshop) program launch.
Women's safety organization wants to flip victim-blaming narratives
Coverage of the Project LyghtNyng (workshop) program launch.
Incorporating as a non-profit in Canada
Our Executive Director, Vedanshi, was interviewed by TakingItGlobal and #RisingYouth for their Community Impact Skillshare Series about the process of incorporating as a non-profit in Canada.
Richmond businesses encouraged to support Safe Hubs program
"There are 17 locations participating in the Safe Hubs program so far, but organizers want more businesses to become part of the network."
(Safe Hubs)
Segment aired on August 20, 2022 on Global News Hour at 6. Interview featured our Safe Hubs Manager, Emily, and Executive Director, Vedanshi.
Fostering A Sense of Safety and Community through the Safe Buddies Program
Our grant providers featured Faaiz, our Safe Buddies Manager, along with various other team members who were involved in the program development and launch
Envisioning a safer Richmond - and beyond
Executive Director, Vedanshi, was interviewed about the BOLT Safety team's presentation to City of Richmond Council earlier in the year, and avenues of partnership that are being explored to make Richmond safer.
2 Richmond Nominees for YWCA Women of Distinction Awards
"Since 1984, the YWCA Metro Vancouver Women of Distinction Awards have honoured individuals and organizations for their contributions to the well-being and future of the community." Executive Director, Vedanshi, was featured as a nominee.
VGH and UBC Hospital Foundation
Women of Distinction: Vedanshi Vala
The Foundation was a nominator for Executive Director, Vedanshi, and featured her on their website. "Vedanshi Vala is a Young Women of Distinction nominee for the 39th annual YWCA Women of Distinction Awards, with the winners to be announced on May 26, 2022. These awards recognize an outstanding woman or business operating in the Lower Mainland. Vedanshi is nominated alongside Dr. Elizabeth Bryce and Dr. Jacqueline Saw."
Hugh McRoberts alumnus named L'Oréal Paris Woman of Worth
"Richmondite Vedanshi Vala was named L'Oréal Paris Woman of Worth this year for her work to make Canada a safer place to live by using technology, especially for females."
L’Oréal Paris Canada names 2022 Women of Worth Honourees
Feature on the award received by Executive Director, Vedanshi, and the $10,000 grant awarded to BOLT Safety, alongside 9 other honourees across Canada.
Vedanshi Vala: BOLT Safety Society | Women of Worth
Executive Director Vedanshi named a Woman of Worth.
Youth Leadership in a Time of Crisis
Team profile.
Creating change through empowerment with Vedanshi Vala
Executive Director, Vedanshi, named a 'Wonder Woman'
有你伴我行 安全回家路
Board Secretary, Brina, was interviewed about our newly launched Safe Buddies program.
Youth volunteers launch safe walking program after recent stalking, racist incidents
Executive Director, Vedanshi, interviewed about the launch of our Safe Buddies program
CBC Radio: On the Coast with Gloria Macarenko
Safe Buddies
BOLT Safety Society Co-founder and Executive Director Vedanshi Vala on BOLT's new "Safe Buddies" walking program for women and non-binary people who don't feel safe walking alone.
CTV News Article | Video Segment
Recent racist, stalking incidents inspire 'buddy' system for people who don't feel safe walking alone
Executive Director, Vedanshi, speaks about the launch of our Safe Buddies program
Youthful safety group offers walking buddies to people afraid to go home alone
Vedanshi Vala explains how Safe Buddies works
Omni Television
義工組織 協助保護長者婦女的安全
Team member, Jazzy, was interviewed about the launch of Safe Buddies.
Richmondite launches 'safe buddies' program
"Richmondite Vedanshi Vala and her team will launch their latest volunteer program -- this one aiming to keep seniors, women and nonbinary people safer on the streets. The not-for-profit BOLT Safety Society will have young adult recruits, coined Safe Buddies, walking with those who feel unsafe walking home alone starting April 10."
Safe Buddies: Youth work to keep seniors and women in their communities safe
Feature on the launch of our Safe Buddies program
‘Significant strides’: Students reflect on what it means to feel safe following Women's History Month
Featuring Executive Director, Vedanshi.
Program launched to address Metro Vancouver safety concerns
Vedanshi Vala, Co-Founder and Executive Director of BOLT Safety Society, shares details of their ‘Safe Buddies’ program that will see volunteers escorting women and seniors home.
The Lynda Steele Show
Safe Buddies
Interview about the launch of our Safe Buddies program featuring Executive Director, Vedanshi.
Surrey Board of Trade | The Indo-Canadian Voice
Surrey's Top 25 Under 25 Awards
Executive Director, Vedanshi, named a recipient of the award.
Surrey Now-Leader | Peace Arch News
Meet Surrey's 'Top 25 Under 25' for 2021
Executive Director, Vedanshi, named a recipient of the award.
Heroes on the frontlines of the pandemic: 2021 Immigrant Women of Inspiration
"We bring to you four inspiring women from across Canada who have been on the frontlines of fighting COVID-19 and supporting their communities. Here are the inspiring and motivational stories of Dr. Theresa Tam, Jennifer Chen, Claudette Lennard and Vedanshi Vala."
Burnaby Now | Vancouver Is Awesome | New Westminster Record | Tricity News
Metro Vancouver youth launch 'Safe Buddies' in response to anti-Asian hate crimes
The BOLT Safety Society is launching its Safe Buddies program to keep seniors and women safe when walking back to their homes.
The Quiet Warrior Show YouTube | Podcast
EP#170 STUDENTS FOR SAFETY with Vedanshi Vala and Ravi Nichols
Two of our co-founders were interviewed for this podcast episode, hosted by Tom Dutta.
Stewart Blusson Quantum Matter Institute
People of SBQMI: Vedanshi Vala
Feature on Executive Director, Vedanshi.
2020 Outstanding Young Ambassadors Awards
Executive Director, Vedanshi, named 'Leadership Champion' in the VGH and UBC Hospital Foundation's 2020 Outstanding Young Ambassadors Awards.
Drishti Media Group: Young Bosses Podcast
Season 2 Episode 1 | Special Guest Host: Tom Dutta ft. Vedanshi Vala
Interview with Executive Director, Vedanshi.
Second-year student Vedanshi Vala fights domestic violence, one Safe Hub at a time
Executive Director, Vedanshi, was interviewed about the newly-launched Safe Hubs network.
South Asian Entertainment Magazine
The Silent Pandemic
Executive Director, Vedanshi, speaks about Safe Hubs.
Richmond student launches platform to help domestic abuse victims
Executive Director, Vedanshi, speaks about Safe Hubs.
The Harpreet Singh Show (YouTube)
BOLT Safety Society on Safe Hubs initiative
Interview featuring two of our Co-Founders, Ravi and Vedanshi.
#RisingYouth in Action: Vedanshi Vala
Executive Director, Vedanshi, interviewed about Safe Hubs and growing BOLT Safety's impact.
UBC students set to launch app to help women stay safe
Co-Founder and Executive Director, Vedanshi, discusses the launch of the BOLT Safety digital platform on the WIX mobile app.
Richmond student launching personal safety app
Co-Founder and Executive Director, Vedanshi, discusses the launch of the BOLT Safety digital platform on the WIX mobile app.
Richmond youth devise wearable panic button
Co-Founder and Executive Director, Vedanshi, discusses the HP-TIE team (our former name) entering the Anu and Naveen Jain Women's Safety XPRIZE.